Ох, сегодня прошел месяц с прекрасного концерта HURTS, на котором мне
посчастливилось побывать. Хотелось бы выразить восхищение
организаторами концерта. Это был закрытый концерт на 300 человек на
пивоварне польского пива ЛЕХ. Продуманно было все до мелочей: отель,
транспорт, пиво (естественно) и т.д. По поводу этого всего нам не
приходилось думать вообще. Оставалось только наслаждаться отдыхом и
талантливыми британцами. Как на любом концерте Хертс, были сильные
эмоции, были мурашки по всему телу, а у некоторых поклонников были даже
слезы. Все таки ни одна запись не сравниться с живым концертом. Тем
более, когда группа настолько отдается публике, не смотря на то, что
было всего лишь 300 человек, а не тысячи людей. Что показывает истинный
профессионализм группы. В общем большой плюс для Хертс и огромный плюс
Oh, today was a month after a wonderful Hurts concert, which I was lucky enough to visit. I would like to tell my admiration for the organizers of the concert. It was a private concert for 300 people at the brewery of Polish beer LECH. Every detail has been thought through: the hotel, transportation, beer (of course ), etc. So we didn't have to care about it at all. It only remained to enjoy our rest and talented British boys. As for any HURTS's concert: were strong emotions, were goose-skin over my body, and some fans were even crying. No record can be such a good as a live concert. Especially when the band gives everything for the public, despite the fact that there were only 300 people, not thousands.Band showed the true professionalism. In general a big plus for Hurts and a huge plus for Lech.
Oh, today was a month after a wonderful Hurts concert, which I was lucky enough to visit. I would like to tell my admiration for the organizers of the concert. It was a private concert for 300 people at the brewery of Polish beer LECH. Every detail has been thought through: the hotel, transportation, beer (of course ), etc. So we didn't have to care about it at all. It only remained to enjoy our rest and talented British boys. As for any HURTS's concert: were strong emotions, were goose-skin over my body, and some fans were even crying. No record can be such a good as a live concert. Especially when the band gives everything for the public, despite the fact that there were only 300 people, not thousands.Band showed the true professionalism. In general a big plus for Hurts and a huge plus for Lech.
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